When you realize you have a substance abuse problem, getting professional help to begin your recovery becomes your next concern. Unfortunately, it will do you little good to start a treatment program if you haven't stopped using. This is where the help of suboxone...
Addiction Treatment Center
Talking To Teenagers About Drug Addiction in New Castle DE
How should parents talk to their teenagers about Drug Addiction in New Castle DE? There are differing viewpoints concerning how parents should discuss drugs with their children. Although people have different opinions about what should be said, they tend to agree that...
4 Lessons About Drug Addiction Recovery
Recovery is possible. It’s going to be tough and withdrawal is likely to feel brutal but it’s also possible. Keep this in mind when things start to get rough. Learn the following lessons by heart to help you stay sober. Make it your priority Make recovery your...
Treatment Center Marketing: Define Your Audience
Who is the most likely person to need the services your location offers? This is a big and important question as you work to develop your treatment center marketing plan. If you provide these services, you know the most likely target is the group of people who need...
Harm reduction versus tough love
If someone in your life is struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol, you are very likely familiar with the concept of tough love. Tough love means that you stop enabling an addict. Enabling means that you are providing some form of assistance to the addict which...