Cincinnati OH Residents: How Much Do You Know About Glaucoma?

by | Feb 17, 2020 | Eye Doctor

Millions of people are affected by glaucoma every year, and the condition can lead to partial or complete blindness. Here is what you should know about glaucoma.

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a broad term that is used to describe several conditions that damage the optic nerve, causing some level of vision loss. The blindness may occur in any portion of the visual field, such as your peripheral vision or direct vision. Glaucoma begins when fluid inside the eyeball does not drain properly. Over time, the fluid puts pressure on the optic nerve and damages it somehow.

Who is at Risk for Glaucoma?

Almost anyone can develop glaucoma at some point, but certain factors place you at higher risk for the condition, such as being over 60 years old, having a family history, using corticosteroids, and suffering injuries to the eye. You should be screened for glaucoma as part of your annual eye exam. If you do have higher than normal pressure inside the eye, treatments are available to better drain the fluid and protect the optic nerve.

Types of Glaucoma Treatment in Cincinnati, OH

Early cases of glaucoma can be treated with eye drops that reduce the pressure inside the eye. Moderate to advanced cases may require laser procedures or surgery to remove the excess fluid and repairing the drainage tubes of the eyeball.

Learn More About Glaucoma Treatment in Cincinnati, OH

Harper’s Point Eye Associates is a full-service eye care practice. To learn more about glaucoma treatment for Cincinnati, OH, residents, call them and schedule an appointment. You can also visit their website.

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