Elder care in Sarasota FL to Accommodate Every Need

by | Apr 19, 2019 | Health

The level of Elder Care in Sarasota FL needed is different for every person. The purpose of selecting private duty home care services is to allow elderly people the opportunity to remain living at home as independently as possible. The health benefits and high quality of life sustained are much better for the elderly than life in a nursing home.

Living at home with the proper care lowers the probability of depression, dementia, loneliness, poor nutrition, and falls. Independence is vital to most people, so the longer they can keep it, the happier and healthier they remain. Costs of care are also lower when provided at home instead of in a facility or hospital.

Benefits for the Whole Family

Family members of elderly people also benefit from in-home care. Members who live far away can have peace of mind that their parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle receive professional services. Adult children who live with elderly relatives can seek out experienced service providers, such as Family First Homecare, to ensure safe transportation for community outings, get a break, or have help filling gaps in the day.

Types of Care Offered

Those living with family may only need a companion for a few hours a week, or someone to help with lunch preparation Monday through Friday. The family members may provide the most needed care but have daytime jobs as well. A home health aid is the ideal person to assist with those and other activities.

The care provided by a home health aid can include companionship, transfers, ambulation, and grooming. Transportation to appointments or social engagements, assistance with daily living activities, and light housekeeping are also with the range of expertise. An aid can be scheduled for an occasional visit, specific hours during the week, or up to twenty-four-hour care if needed.

Specialized Services

When medical needs are part of the Elder Care in Sarasota FL services desired, there are registered and licensed practical nurses available to visit the home. Skilled nursing is required for intravenous (IV) therapy, wound care, medication management, monitoring chronic conditions, and post-surgical visits. Extensive medical needs can be accommodated with hourly nursing care. Elderly individuals and family members can Visit the website to discover all services provided.

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