Advertisers often direct their hair-loss products to men and ignore the fact that thinning hair and bald spots are nearly as common with women. Hair thinning and loss is very damaging to the self esteem of women because it prevents them from having the style and youthfulness they desire. Companies like Donte’s of New York are addressing this issue by developing methods that work wonderfully for both men and women. One of the most popular options available today to women is hair extensions.
Hair extensions are not used solely for the purpose of adding length to the hair, although they do accomplish this as well. By choosing Hair Extensions Scottsdale woman are able to have a product that can target the thinning areas without adding bulk where assistance is not needed. The extensions are attached to the natural hair and are done so in a way to prevent people from being able to see where they are connected. Because the best extensions are made from genuine human hair, it is easy to style the hair and have it look entirely natural. Both long and short hair styles are possible with extensions.
Extensions are able to last for several months, and possibly as long as a year if they are cared for properly. With professional installation the natural hair and the scalp are safe and will not be damaged in any way. Natural human hair is also more comfortable and do not retain as much body heat as synthetic extensions. After installing Hair Extensions Scottsdale hair-loss specialists will instruct their clients on the appropriate way to brush and care for their extensions in order to get the most benefit from them.
Hair extensions are not the only option women have to make their hair lush and full again. Hair care specialists can offer wigs, hair and scalp products and micro point solutions that are all non-invasive options to consider. A consultation with the treatment center is needed to determine what method will work the best for each hair type and each lifestyle. Make an appointment and find out more because there is no reason for anyone to have to feel embarrassed by thinning hair.