If you have an injury that impacts one of your joints or a bone, you might think that you can treat the symptoms on your own. However, if you continue experiencing pain or if you notice any swelling or difficulty moving, then you should consider seeing an orthopedic surgeon in Coos Bay, OR. Here are a few signs that could indicate a visit to this doctor so that you get the medical treatment that you need.
Initial Details
When you go to your first appointment, you’ll discuss how the injury occurred and the things that you’ve been doing to try to get some relief. Your doctor will usually take an X-ray or order other tests to determine the severity of the injury before making plans for the treatment that could be needed.
Surgical Procedures
Sometimes, physical therapy or injections won’t provide the relief that you’ll need to help with pain and mobility. Surgery might be the best option for your doctor to consider. If you are scheduled for surgery, it’s important to follow all of the steps involved during the recovery process so that you don’t damage the area impacted any further.
Future Injuries
Your orthopedic surgeon in Coos Bay, OR, will go over some of the ways that you can protect your body from other injuries. Stretching exercises are often discussed so that the muscles and joints are ready to move. You can also discuss your diet and some of the nutrients that your body might need in order for your joints and muscles to stay healthy.
If you have issues with your bones and joints, then contact Umpqua Orthopedics at the website for more details about when you should see a doctor.