4 Questions to Ask When You Choose a Dementia Daycare Facility

by | Jan 29, 2019 | Senior Healthcare

More than 150,000 seniors use daycare facilities on a daily basis, Senior Living says. Do you think this is the right solution for your loved one? Read on to know more.

When is it time for a daycare facility?

Is your loved one starting to have difficulties planning his daily activities for adults with dementia? Does he find it hard to focus on an activity, though? Is your dad or granddad finding it hard to hold or follow a conversation, watch TV or read? Is your senior relative isolated and looking for peer interaction? These are all excellent reasons to use dementia daycare services in Montgomery County.

How do you choose a facility?

Not all dementia daycare services in Montgomery County offer the same range and quality of assistance. Do a bit of homework to help you find the facility that best suits your loved one. For instance, consider the experience and history of the center. How many years has it been in service? Is the center licensed? Find out. Check out the basics before you choose a facility.

What are the services provided?

Be clear on what services you can avail of for your dad or grandad. Will the meals or snacks be provided? Can they accommodate your loved one’s special diet? At what point will your senior relative no longer be eligible for the center? The answers you’ll get will help you figure out your options.

Who runs the facility?

Take the time to dig into the background of the people who run the facility. Look at the staff and doctors. Who is in charge? What kind of training do they all have? The last thing you want is to leave your loved one in the care of amateurs. Finding experienced staff is a must.

Use these questions to help you find a daycare center that’s right for you and your senior relative.

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