4 Ways to Help a Loved One with Opiate Addiction

by | Jan 2, 2018 | Addiction Treatment Center

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says about 91 Americans pass away from opioid overdose every day. That’s a colossal amount of deaths. The drug also accounts for as much as 5.1 million cases of addiction in America.

If your loved one is suffering from opiate dependence or addiction, here are some of the ways you can help:

Don’t enable

Negative enabling doesn’t help. While it might seem like you’re only offering your assistance when you give an opiate addict money or transportation, it allows the addict to continue with the addiction and maintain the lifestyle, resulting in zero progress. The next time your loved one asks for money, say no and stick to it.

Get professional help

Help your loved one choose an opiate addiction treatment in Florida. Do the research, check out as much of what hits the mark and then offer that list to your friend or family. Providing an abuser with options is a good step in the right direction and can urge them to give quitting the drug a try.

Don’t wait

A lot of times, people think they need to wait until the opiate abuser hits rock bottom before getting the person professional help. However, that could be a mistake. Don’t wait. The sooner you get your relative or friend professional help, the sooner the recovery and healing can start. If you wait until your loved one’s ready, it might be too late.

Offer support

While finding the opiate addiction treatment in Florida that’s right for your loved one is crucial, familial support can also have a massively positive effect on his/her rate of recovery. Proper and unfailing support can easily turn the tide and prevent a relapse from happening.
Withdrawal and recovery aren’t going to be easy. But these pointers can help ease the way to living drug-free.

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