Everyone ages differently. Some physical features may show significant signs of aging prematurely. Tired, saggy, or swollen eyelids can make a person look much older. Eyelid Surgery Jacksonville, FL is a procedure that corrects these imperfections. Blepharoplasty is often done in conjunction with a facelift or brow-lift since the procedure alone doesn’t remove wrinkles. Slacking muscle tone and extra fat creates the baggy, swollen look on the lower eyelids. Blepharoplasty makes a prominent difference in the overall appearance of the face. If sagging and swollen eyelids is the predominant reason for aged appearance about the face, Eyelid Surgery Jacksonville, FL is the perfect solution.
Loss in suppleness of the skin on the forehead can cause wrinkles and sagging. Since the skin loses its pliability with age, the forehead can be the place where it’s most noticeable. Brow and forehead lifts raise the skin in this whole area and restore a lively look on the face. One of the biggest complaints people with limp skin on the forehead have is that it makes them look mad or sad. Extra fat and puffy looking skin on the forehead can create even more lines and a perpendicular line in between the eyebrows. In this case, some skin and muscle can be removed to smooth out the surface of the forehead.
Many people who have ears that extend out too far away from the head find this to be an undesirable feature. Some people are affected by protruding ears in the hardest way during childhood. With the okay of parents, Otoplasty is perfectly fine for children. Children and adults have many options to choose from for the way they wish for their ears to be reshaped and positioned. Size reduction, reshaping and proportioning ears with the size and shape of the head can all be done in one procedure. Patient satisfaction is achieved with thorough communication. Doctors need to know exactly what their patients want to change and the results they expect. Patients should also know what kind of results to expect and be informed of alterations that aren’t achievable.
You can now get all the information you need related to eyelid surgery by consulting with one of our eye care specialists at Business Name online via telemedicine! To schedule a virtual appointment, all you have to do is complete our online form or call us at Visit our site for more information on our telemedicine services.