Pros and Cons of Getting a Prosthetic Hip in Columbus, OH

by | Oct 4, 2017 | Health

Although most people don’t like the idea of having hip replacement surgery, sometimes it becomes necessary. For example, someone with very bad arthritis in their hip would be able to be a lot more comfortable and active if they had a Prosthetic Hip in Columbus OH. Understanding the potential pros and cons of the various surgery options will make it easier to decide which is right for you.

General Benefits

A bad hip can make it impossible to go about daily activities without a significant amount of pain, so getting a hip replacement can result in an improvement in a person’s quality of life as well as a reduction in pain levels.

General Risks

During any hip replacement surgery, there could be issues with bone fractures, blood clots, dislocation, loosening, infection, or a change in leg length. Working with an experienced surgeon and following any pre- and post-surgery instructions will help limit these risks.

Mini-Posterior vs. Direct Anterior Approaches

When getting a Prosthetic Hip in Columbus OH, the two main minimally-invasive options for surgery include the mini-posterior approach and the direct anterior approach. The mini-posterior approach tends to have less bleeding, fewer complications, and a faster recovery time. The direct anterior approach allows for continuous use of an x-ray to improve placement but has an increased risk of nerve or muscle damage and can be more difficult in people who are overweight or have very muscular thighs.

Type of Hip Prosthetic

Besides the type of surgery, there are also a few different options when it comes to the material the hip prosthetic is made from. Metal-on-metal joints tend to be very strong and long-lasting, but sometimes cause the release of fragments that can damage the tissues around the implant. Metal-on-plastic hip joints involve a plastic liner on the socket portion of the joint, but with use, small plastic particles can come off and irritate nearby tissues. The other option is ceramic-on-ceramic, which doesn’t have the same issues, but which can sometimes break or cause a squeaking noise.

Visit usfor more information on the different types of prosthetics they offer. This company also sells various orthotic devices as well

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