When a person is under the influence of drugs, their ability to make decisions rationally is usually diminished, and it may cause them to act in unusual and unsafe ways. When a company has a policy that covers Drug Testing in Cincinnati OH, they are legally permitted to force a person to undergo testing for a variety of reasons. A business owner should consult an employment law attorney before enforcing any policies surrounding drug testing, but the following are three times when most employers make it mandatory.
Work-Related Injury
If a person is injured while on the clock, the employer is legally responsible for compensating them for any medical bills or lost wages that result. Most insurance companies now require individuals filing a claim to undergo Drug Testing in Cincinnati OH within 24 hours of the accident. If they are found to have an illegal substance or alcohol in their system, the liability of the employer is removed and the injured person is responsible for paying for any medical treatment required.
Vehicle Accident
Some companies provide their employees with vehicles to drive while conducting work-related business. If they are involved in an accident, whether or not it results in injuries, the insurance company may require the employee to undergo a drug test to ensure they were not operating company-owned property while under the influence. If so, the company may be left to foot the bill, and the person will not be covered under the policy going forward.
Unusual Behavior
Another time that a person may be required to submit a urine sample is if a supervisor suspects they are under the influence of a substance while on the job. Most companies have a drug and alcohol policy that prohibits the use of drugs while on the clock. Once the results are received, an employer may determine the best course of action based on their internal policies and procedures.
Drug testing is an invaluable tool for companies of all sizes and in a wide array of industries. Eastside Urgent Care provides fast, efficient, and affordable testing for organizations that want to discourage the use of drugs and alcohol in the workplace. Be sure to call today to learn more and establish an account to streamline the drug testing process. You can also visit them on Google My Business.