Common Reasons to See a Dermatologist in Bethlehem, PA

by | Mar 5, 2018 | Health

Dermatologists are doctors who specialize in providing care for patients’ skin. They play an invaluable role in diagnosing and treating a wide variety of skin diseases, both medical and cosmetic. Read on to find out about a few of the most common reasons patients choose to visit a dermatologist in Bethlehem PA.

Severe Acne

While mild cases of acne can often be treated using over-the-counter skin treatments, more serious cases tend to require prescription medications. Dermatologists have access to a wide variety of pharmaceutical solutions for reducing the pain, swelling, and redness associated with severe acne. Any patient who has found that over-the-counter treatments are not effective should schedule a visit as soon as possible.

Skin Cancer Screenings

Routine screenings for skin cancer can help to ensure an early diagnosis and improve a patient’s prognosis in the event he or she has developed any form of skin cancer. Those who exhibit signs of being at high risk for skin cancer, such as being fair-haired and light-eyed, having a family history of cancer, or having a personal history of blistering sunburns, should be sure to head in for routine screening at least once a year. Other patients should consult their primary care physicians regarding appropriate screening schedules.

Eczema Treatment

Eczema is a chronic condition characterized by irritated, itchy, or flaky skin. A surprising number of patients suffer from this common disease. Anyone who believes he or she has eczema should seek treatment from a dedicated dermatologist in Bethlehem PA as soon as possible to find relief from these unpleasant symptoms.

Scar Treatment

Cosmetic dermatologists offer a wide variety of skin treatments designed to improve the appearance of their patients’ scars. These include both acne scars and keloid scars. Under certain circumstances, such as the existence of extensive burn scars, dermatologists may refer their patients to plastic surgeons. However, most minor scars can be treated medically.

Learn More Today

Want to find a dermatologist who can help reduce the appearance of acne and scars, address age-related skin damage, screen for cancer, or offer treatment for a chronic skin disease? Browse our website for information about one medical office that can help.

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