Creating A Beneficial Care Plan Through Gastroenterology In Jacksonville

by | Jun 15, 2022 | Gastroenterologist

Untreated gastrointestinal diseases can lead to even more serious digestive conditions. Some patients may experience sudden weight gain or loss as a result of their illnesses. Each disorder is different but could present lifelong symptoms including pain and discomfort. Here is what to expect when creating a beneficial care plan while visiting a physician who offers Gastroenterology in Jacksonville.

Creating a Diet and Exercise Plan

Gastrointestinal doctors develop a diet and exercise plan for patients with existing condition. Changes in diet can help reduce the frequency of symptoms like bowel irregularity, abdominal distention, and pain. Creating a better e exercise routine assists patients in losing weight and maintaining their results.

Lifestyle Changes for Relieving Symptoms

Patients’ symptoms can be relieved by making lifestyle changes. Patients who smoke, for example, can reduce their symptoms and improve their health by quitting. Smoking is a common irritant that aggravates acid reflux symptoms. By identifying lifestyle choices that exacerbate symptoms, doctors can address additional health concerns and improve the patient’s well-being.

What Medications are Helpful for the Condition?

Doctors use a variety of tests to determine the conditions that their patients are suffering from. The results determine whether medication is required to treat the condition and alleviate the patient’s symptoms. Prescription medications are available to alleviate pain, reduce abdominal distention, and improve regularity. Over-the-counter medications can also be advised. Dietary supplements can also help the patient’s health and digestive system. Some doctors also recommend probiotics to treat the digestive system.

Is Surgery Beneficial for the Patient?

Unless necessary, gastroenterologists do not recommend surgery. Some surgeries, on the other hand, can eliminate gastrointestinal diseases. Among these procedures is resection of the colon. The procedure entails removing the affected section of the colon and reconnecting the organ. This method is useful in the treatment of conditions such as ulcerative colitis.

In Jacksonville, gastrointestinal conditions are treated in a step-by-step procedure. Dietary and exercise changes are often the first steps in a care plan. The goal is to keep the patient’s weight and symptoms under control. Some conditions improve when the patient follows a more restrictive diet. Quitting smoking and other lifestyle changes can also improve overall health. Anything further, may require a gastroenterologist’s insight and expertise.

Patients interested in learning more about Gastroenterology in Jacksonville can schedule an appointment with Digestive Disease Consultants or visit their website right now.

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