Do You Need to See Orthopedic Specialists in Murray, Utah?

by | Jun 22, 2018 | Health

Did you know that every single year, hundreds of thousands of people suffering from acute and chronic back pain take time off from work as a result of their pain? This not only causes significant problems for employers around the country, but is unfortunate for those suffering from the pain. In fact, many cases of back pain are simply medicated with painkillers on a daily basis because doctors cannot find and treat the cause.

Back Pain and Other Problems

Many body aches and pains are a result of tendon, joint, and muscle pain. Indeed, many back problems can be traced to musculoskeletal problems, including pelvic floor disorder. Orthopedic specialists in Murray, Utah can treat many forms of muscle pain, connective tissue pain, and joint pain.

Did you know that weakened abdominal muscles and weakened pelvic floor muscles can cause pain in the back or other areas of the body? Everything in our bodies is connected, and a problem in one area can certainly cause chronic or acute pain in another area of the body. The good news is that facilities such as Hand & Orthopedic Physical Therapy Specialists can treat a wide range of muscle, joint, tendon, and ligament problems.

How Can an Orthopedic Specialist Help?

Orthopedic specialists are experts in the field of diagnosing and treating muscle, joint, and connective tissue pain and problems. If you have found that your local doctor has failed to address the real cause of your back pain, for example, it might be worthwhile looking at how an orthopedic specialist can help you through a tailored treatment plan that may include the following:

  • Dry needling to reduce pain and help to treat specific sites of pain and injury
  • Pelvic floor treatments
  • Aqua therapy
  • Balance testing and vestibular treatments

Rather than suffering in silence and taking painkillers on a daily basis to deal with chronic and acute pain, seeing an orthopedic specialist may just be the solution you need.

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