Finding Out the Cause and Getting Treatment for Your Acute Heel Pain

by | Apr 20, 2021 | Podiatrist

As you get older, your feet can start to suffer for the worse. You may find it difficult to stand for long periods of time, walk for hours or even run when needed.

However, when you experience agony and an inability to move normally, you need to find out what is wrong with your feet. You can learn what the problem is and seek prompt treatment for heel pain in Hyde Park.

Detecting Injuries

The cause of your distress may stem from an injury to this part of your foot. You may have stepped on something that caused a deep bruise to the bone and muscle. You also may have strained the tendons and ligaments there.

Even more, you might suffer from a fracture that requires prompt treatment like a cast or surgery. You can discover what the injury is and undergo the necessary treatment by going to a doctor that treats this part of your body.

Getting Mobility Help

The doctor who treats you can also provide help keeping you mobile and upright. He or she may put a cast on your foot to keep your ankle stable. Your doctor may provide you with a boot that lets you walk without crutches but also immobilizes your ankle.

You can find out more about getting treatment for heel pain in Hyde Park online. Contact Mitchell Foot & Ankle by going to to get more information today.

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