Understanding Flatfoot Reconstruction In Bonita Springs, FL

by | Nov 12, 2019 | Health

Has anyone ever said you had flat feet? If so, you probably don’t have arches in your feet. Unfortunately, flat feet can be painful for those with joint problems. Further, the condition may cause ankle and knee pain. People with flat feet are more likely to have bunions and hammertoes.

All About Flat Feet

Humans are born without arches but they develop later in life. Sometimes, people never get arches. Experts say having flat feet doesn’t guarantee a person will have difficulty. Indeed, arches can fall due to wear and tear. Risk factors include obesity, diabetes, injury, rheumatoid arthritis, and aging. Finally, an individual can have flexible arches. This means the arch disappears when the foot comes into contact with the ground. Individuals with severe pain may require Flatfoot Reconstruction in Bonita Springs FL.


Surgery is not an option until the podiatrist tries to treat the patient. Over-the-counter orthotic arch supports are often recommended. Some patients may require custom-made arch supports. If pain persists, the podiatrist orders a CT scan to diagnose the cause of flat feet. Sometimes, tendon issues cause flat foot. If so, physical therapy may be ordered to try and strengthen the tendon. Podiatrists also recommend wearing supportive shoes. Losing weight always helps reduce stress on the foot.


The podiatrist recommends Flatfoot Reconstruction in Bonita Springs FL when nothing else helps a patient’s pain. The type of reconstruction one has is usually based on what causes the flat feet. Individuals with a damaged tendon may have tendon transfer. The damaged tendon is replaced by a tendon from another part of the foot. A gastrocnemius recession may be performed to lengthen the calf muscles. It corrects flat feet and keeps the condition from coming back.

The surgeon may also opt for an osteotomy. The procedure involves cutting bones and reconstructing them to build an arch. Bone grafts or temporary screws are used to hold bones together while they heal. The surgery is out-patient but patients should expect to be in a cast for two weeks. Afterward, a removable boot is used for six to eight weeks. Patients can’t put weight on the foot during this time. For more information, call Kelly Malinoski DPM or Visit the website

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